Realising your next bold move

Park 56 is an independent advisory firm for corporate finance and strategy solutions. Our focus is on technology & media. It’s our background, our core and it’s where we add most value. With our in-depth industry experience and solid deal expertise, we provide you with tailored solutions to help you realise your next bold move.

The Park 56 team has extensive management experience in international media and technology companies and a background in investment banking, finance and corporate innovation projects. With our expertise, insight, and international network of trusted contacts, we will help you realise your next bold move as an entrepreneur, investor, family-owned business or board. We will support you with an acquisition, merger or exit strategy, or bolster your innovation or digital migration strategy through a technology partnership.

Each of us is energetic and optimistic without being naive. We are open and keep things light without losing focus. As an independent firm, we stand for 100% dedication, professionalism and integrity.

Read our story

  • M&A Advisory

    M&A Advisory

    Creating significant shareholder value by managing your M&A process from start to finish while ensuring the transaction is in the best interests of the business and staff.

    Read more M&A Advisory

  • Market testing and exit readiness

    Market testing and exit readiness

    A programme aimed at entrepreneurs and management teams preparing them to navigate the turbulent waters of a sale.

    Read more Market testing and exit readiness

  • Partnership scouting

    Partnership scouting

    A structured process whereby we work with our partner The Next Web to identify technology start-ups and scale-ups to bolster existing products and support a successful innovation or digital migration strategy through partnerships.

    Read more Partnership scouting

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Tell us where you want to go

We understand the complexity of strategic processes, such as M&A, and how to strike a future-proof partnership deal because we have been where you are.

We start with your needs and desires and will present you with creative and practical solutions to support you every step of the way.

Contact us